Instancesvoid applyEffect (liveEffectXML:
Apply effect to selected artItem.
Parameter | Type | Description |
liveEffectXML | string | |
void bringInPerspective (positionX:
number, positionY:
number, perspectiveGridPlane:
Place art object(s)in perspective grid at spedified perspective plane and coordinate.
Parameter | Type | Description |
positionX | number | Position towards X direction of specified or active perspective grid plane. |
positionY | number | Position towards Y direction of specified or active perspective grid plane. |
perspectiveGridPlane | PerspectiveGridPlaneType: PerspectiveGridPlaneType.NOPLANE PerspectiveGridPlaneType.LEFTPLANE PerspectiveGridPlaneType.RIGHTPLANE PerspectiveGridPlaneType.FLOORPLANE | Type of perspective grid plane. |
PageItem duplicate (relativeObject:
Object, insertionLocation:
Duplicate this object.
Parameter | Type | Description |
relativeObject | Object | |
insertionLocation | ElementPlacement | |
PageItem move (relativeObject:
Object, insertionLocation:
Move the object.
Parameter | Type | Description |
relativeObject | Object | |
insertionLocation | ElementPlacement | |
void remove ()
Deletes this object.
void removeAll ()
Deletes all elements.
void resize (scaleX:
number, scaleY:
number[, changePositions:
bool=true][, changeFillPatterns:
bool=true][, changeFillGradients:
bool=true][, changeStrokePattern:
bool=true][, changeLineWidths:
number=100.0][, scaleAbout:
Scale art object(s)
Parameter | Type | Description |
scaleX | number | Horizontal scaling factor expressed as a percentage (100 = 100%) |
scaleY | number | Vertical scaling factor expressed as a percentage (100 = 100%) |
changePositions | bool | Are art object positions and orientations effected? (default: true) (Optional) |
changeFillPatterns | bool | Are the fill patterns assigned to paths to be transformed? (default: true) (Optional) |
changeFillGradients | bool | Are the fill gradients assigned to paths to be transformed? (default: true) (Optional) |
changeStrokePattern | bool | Are the stroke patterns assigned to paths to be transformed? (default: true) (Optional) |
changeLineWidths | number | The amount line widths are to be scaled (expressed as a percentage) (default: 100.0) (Optional) |
scaleAbout | Transformation: Transformation.DOCUMENTORIGIN Transformation.TOPLEFT Transformation.LEFT Transformation.BOTTOMLEFT Transformation.TOP Transformation.CENTER Transformation.BOTTOM Transformation.TOPRIGHT Transformation.RIGHT Transformation.BOTTOMRIGHT | The point on the art item's bounding box to which the scale is applied. (default: Transformation.CENTER) (Optional) |
void rotate (angle:
number[, changePositions:
bool=true][, changeFillPatterns:
bool=true][, changeFillGradients:
bool=true][, changeStrokePattern:
bool=true][, rotateAbout:
Rotate art object(s)
Parameter | Type | Description |
angle | number | Angle of rotation (in degrees). Rotation is performed counter-clock wise. |
changePositions | bool | Are art object positions and orientations effected? (default: true) (Optional) |
changeFillPatterns | bool | Are the fill patterns assigned to paths to be transformed? (default: true) (Optional) |
changeFillGradients | bool | Are the fill gradients assigned to paths to be transformed? (default: true) (Optional) |
changeStrokePattern | bool | Are the stroke patterns assigned to paths to be transformed? (default: true) (Optional) |
rotateAbout | Transformation: Transformation.DOCUMENTORIGIN Transformation.TOPLEFT Transformation.LEFT Transformation.BOTTOMLEFT Transformation.TOP Transformation.CENTER Transformation.BOTTOM Transformation.TOPRIGHT Transformation.RIGHT Transformation.BOTTOMRIGHT | The point on the art item's bounding box to which the rotation is applied. (default: Transformation.CENTER) (Optional) |
string sendScriptMessage (pluginName:
string, messageSelector:
string, inputString:
Sends the script message to the required plugin.
Parameter | Type | Description |
pluginName | string | Plugin to which message needs to be sent. |
messageSelector | string | Functionality that is to be executed. |
inputString | string | Pass any data encoded in a string. |
void transform (transformationMatrix:
Matrix[, changePositions:
bool=true][, changeFillPatterns:
bool=true][, changeFillGradients:
bool=true][, changeStrokePattern:
bool=true][, changeLineWidths:
number=100.0][, transformAbout:
Transform art object(s) using a transformation matrix.
Parameter | Type | Description |
transformationMatrix | Matrix | The transformation matrix to be applied to the objects. |
changePositions | bool | Are art object positions and orientations effected? (default: true) (Optional) |
changeFillPatterns | bool | Are the fill patterns assigned to paths to be transformed? (default: true) (Optional) |
changeFillGradients | bool | Are the fill gradients assigned to paths to be transformed? (default: true) (Optional) |
changeStrokePattern | bool | Are the stroke patterns assigned to paths to be transformed? (default: true) (Optional) |
changeLineWidths | number | The amount line widths are to be scaled (expressed as a percentage) (default: 100.0) (Optional) |
transformAbout | Transformation: Transformation.DOCUMENTORIGIN Transformation.TOPLEFT Transformation.LEFT Transformation.BOTTOMLEFT Transformation.TOP Transformation.CENTER Transformation.BOTTOM Transformation.TOPRIGHT Transformation.RIGHT Transformation.BOTTOMRIGHT | The point on the art item's bounding box to which scale and rotation operations apply. (default: Transformation.CENTER) (Optional) |
void translate ([deltaX:
number=0.0][, deltaY:
number=0.0][, transformObjects:
bool=true][, transformFillPatterns:
bool=true][, transformFillGradients:
bool=true][, transformStrokePattern:
Reposition art object(s)
Parameter | Type | Description |
deltaX | number | Horizontal transformation. (default: 0.0) (Optional) |
deltaY | number | Vertical transformation. (default: 0.0) (Optional) |
transformObjects | bool | Are art object positions and orientations affected? (default: true) (Optional) |
transformFillPatterns | bool | Are the fill patterns assigned to paths to be transformed? (default: true) (Optional) |
transformFillGradients | bool | Are the fill gradients assigned to paths to be transformed? (default: true) (Optional) |
transformStrokePattern | bool | Are the stroke patterns assigned to paths to be transformed? (default: true) (Optional) |
void zOrder (zOrderCmd:
Arranges the art relative to other art in the group or layer.
Parameter | Type | Description |
zOrderCmd | ZOrderMethod: ZOrderMethod.BRINGTOFRONT ZOrderMethod.BRINGFORWARD ZOrderMethod.SENDBACKWARD ZOrderMethod.SENDTOBACK | How to arrange the art. |