Property | Type | Access | Description |
artworkKnockout | KnockoutState: KnockoutState.Unknown KnockoutState.DISABLED KnockoutState.ENABLED KnockoutState.INHERITED |
r/w | Is the artwork used to create a knockout. |
blendingMode | BlendModes: BlendModes.NORMAL BlendModes.MULTIPLY BlendModes.SCREEN BlendModes.OVERLAY BlendModes.SOFTLIGHT BlendModes.HARDLIGHT BlendModes.COLORDODGE BlendModes.COLORBURN BlendModes.DARKEN BlendModes.LIGHTEN BlendModes.DIFFERENCE BlendModes.EXCLUSION BlendModes.HUE BlendModes.SATURATIONBLEND BlendModes.COLORBLEND BlendModes.LUMINOSITY |
r/w | The mode used when compositing an object. |
color | RGBColor |
r/w | Color used when outlining artwork in this layer. |
compoundPathItems | CompoundPathItems CompoundPathItem |
readonly | The compound path artwork in this layer. |
dimPlacedImages | bool |
r/w | Is rendered as dimmed in this layer? |
graphItems | GraphItems GraphItem |
readonly | The graph art items in this layer. |
groupItems | GroupItems GroupItem |
readonly | The group items in this layer. |
hasSelectedArtwork | bool |
r/w | Is any artwork in this layer selected? Setting this property to false deselects all artwork in the layer. |
isIsolated | bool |
r/w | Is the artwork isolated. |
layers | Layers Layer |
readonly | Nested layers. |
legacyTextItems | LegacyTextItems LegacyTextItem |
readonly | The text frame items in this story. |
locked | bool |
r/w | Is the layer editable? |
meshItems | MeshItems MeshItem |
readonly | The mesh art items in this layer. |
name | string |
r/w | The layer's name. |
nonNativeItems | NonNativeItems NonNativeItem |
readonly | The non-native art items in this layer. |
opacity | number |
r/w | The layer's opacity (between 0.0 and 100.0) |
pageItems | PageItems PageItem |
readonly | All the artwork in this layer. |
parent | Object |
readonly | The object's container. |
pathItems | PathItems PathItem |
readonly | The path artwork in this layer. |
placedItems | PlacedItems PlacedItem |
readonly | The placed art items in this layer. |
pluginItems | PluginItems PluginItem |
readonly | The plugin art items in this layer. |
preview | bool |
r/w | Is the layer rendered in preview mode? |
printable | bool |
r/w | Is the layer printable? |
rasterItems | RasterItems RasterItem |
readonly | The raster art items in this layer. |
sliced | bool |
r/w | Is the layer sliced (default: false) |
symbolItems | SymbolItems SymbolItem |
readonly | The symbol items in this layer. |
textFrames | TextFrameItems TextFrameItem |
readonly | The text frame items in this layer. |
typename | string |
readonly | The class name of the object. |
visible | bool |
r/w | Is the layer visible? |
zOrderPosition | Int32 |
readonly | The drawing order of the layer. |