

 Wraps a regular expression.


RegExp, compile, exec, test, toString


$1string readonlyThe matched subexpression #1.
$2string readonlyThe matched subexpression #2.
$3string readonlyThe matched subexpression #3.
$4string readonlyThe matched subexpression #4.
$5string readonlyThe matched subexpression #5.
$6string readonlyThe matched subexpression #6.
$7string readonlyThe matched subexpression #7.
$8string readonlyThe matched subexpression #8.
$9string readonlyThe matched subexpression #9.
globalbool r/wIndicates whether the match is a global match.
ignoreCasebool r/wIndicates whether the match is not case sensitive.
inputstring r/wThe original input string.
lastMatchstring readonlyThe last match.
lastParenstring readonlyThe value of the last matched subexpression.
leftContextstring readonlyThe string before the match.
multilinebool r/wIndicates whether the match matches multiple lines.
rightContextstring readonlyThe string after the match.



RegExp RegExp (pattern: string[, flags: string])
Creates and returns a new RegExp object set to the value of the argument converted to a regular expression.
patternstringThe pattern to convert.
flagsstringFlags that control how the conversion is performed.
A string containing any combination of the letters i, m, g:
• "i" -- ignore case in pattern matching
• "m" -- treat the string as multiple lines
• "g" -- do global pattern matching (Optional)


bool compile (pattern: string)
Compiles a string to a regular expression. Returns true if the compilation was successful.
patternstringThe pattern to compile.

Array exec (text: string)
Execute a regular expression.
The return value is an array of matches, with the first element containing the match, and successive elements containing the results of any matching subexpression in their order of appearance. If there is no match, the result is null.
textstringThe string to match.

bool test (text: string)
Execute a regular expression, and return true if there is a match.
textstringThe string to match.

string toString ()
Converts this RegExp object to a string.

Used in:

Array String.match (regexp: RegExp)

number (search: RegExp)


RegExp RegExp.RegExp (pattern: string[, flags: string])

Jongware, 25-Nov-2012 v3.0.3iContents :: Index