Property | Type | Access | Description |
area | number |
readonly | The area of this path in square points. |
blendingMode | BlendModes: BlendModes.NORMAL BlendModes.MULTIPLY BlendModes.SCREEN BlendModes.OVERLAY BlendModes.SOFTLIGHT BlendModes.HARDLIGHT BlendModes.COLORDODGE BlendModes.COLORBURN BlendModes.DARKEN BlendModes.LIGHTEN BlendModes.DIFFERENCE BlendModes.EXCLUSION BlendModes.HUE BlendModes.SATURATIONBLEND BlendModes.COLORBLEND BlendModes.LUMINOSITY |
r/w | The mode used when compositing an object. |
clipping | bool |
r/w | Should this be used as a clipping path? |
closed | bool |
r/w | Is this path closed? |
editable | bool |
readonly | Can the text path be modified. |
evenodd | bool |
r/w | Should the even-odd rule be used to determine insideness? |
fillColor | Color |
r/w | Fill color. |
fillOverprint | bool |
r/w | Will art beneath a filled object be overprinted? |
filled | bool |
r/w | Should the path be filled? |
guides | bool |
r/w | Is this path a guide object? |
height | number (range: 0.0 - 16348.0) |
r/w | The height of the text path. |
left | number |
r/w | The left position of the text path. |
note | string |
r/w | Note assigned to the path. |
opacity | number (range: 0.0 - 100.0) |
r/w | The object's opacity (between 0.0 and 100.0) |
parent | Object |
readonly | The object's container. |
pathPoints | PathPoints PathPoint |
readonly | |
polarity | PolarityValues: PolarityValues.POSITIVE PolarityValues.NEGATIVE |
r/w | The polarity the path. |
position | Point |
r/w | The position of the top left corner of the text path. |
resolution | number |
r/w | The resolution of the path. |
selectedPathPoints | ObjectArray |
readonly | All the selected points in the path. |
strokeCap | StrokeCap: StrokeCap.BUTTENDCAP StrokeCap.ROUNDENDCAP StrokeCap.PROJECTINGENDCAP |
r/w | Type of line capping. |
strokeColor | Color |
r/w | Stroke color. |
strokeDashOffset | number |
r/w | The default distance into the dash pattern at which the pattern should be started. |
strokeDashes | Array of number |
r/w | Dash lengths (set to {} for a solid line) |
strokeJoin | StrokeJoin: StrokeJoin.MITERENDJOIN StrokeJoin.ROUNDENDJOIN StrokeJoin.BEVELENDJOIN |
r/w | Type of joints. |
strokeMiterLimit | number |
r/w | Whether a join is mitered (pointed) or beveled (squared-off) |
strokeOverprint | bool |
r/w | Will art beneath a stroked object be overprinted? |
strokeWidth | number |
r/w | Width of stroke. |
stroked | bool |
r/w | Should the path be stroked? |
top | number |
r/w | The top position of the text path. |
typename | string |
readonly | The class name of the object. |
width | number (range: 0.0 - 16348.0) |
r/w | The width of the text path. |