

 A Pattern color specification. Base Class: Color


matrixMatrix r/wAdditional transformation arising from manipulating the path.
patternPattern r/w
reflectbool r/wWhether or not the prototype is reflected before filling. (default: false)
reflectAnglenumber r/wThe axis around which to reflect. (default: 0)
rotationnumber r/wThe angle to rotate the before filling. (default: 0)
scaleFactorPoint r/wThe fraction to scale the prototype before filling.
shearAnglenumber r/wThe angle to slant the shear by. (default: 0)
shearAxisnumber r/wThe axis to shear with respect to. (default: 0)
shiftAnglenumber r/wThe angle to translate the (unscaled) prototype before filling. (default: 0)
shiftDistancenumber r/wThe distance to translate the (unscaled) prototype before filling. (default: 0)
Jongware, 25-Nov-2012 v3.0.3iContents :: Index