

 Options which may be supplied when exporting a document as a JPEG file.


antiAliasingbool r/wShould the resulting image be antialiased. (default: true)
artBoardClippingbool r/wShould the resulting image be clipped to the artboard. (default: false)
blurAmountnumber (range: 0.0 - 2.0) r/wBlur the resulting image this much. (default: 0)
horizontalScalenumber (range: 0.0 - 776.19) r/wHorizontal scaling factor. (default: 100)
mattebool r/wShould the artboard be matted with a color. (default: true)
matteColorRGBColor r/wThe color to use when matting the artboard (default: white)
optimizationbool r/wShould the image be optimized for web viewing. (default: true)
qualitySettingInt32 (range: 0.0 - 100.0) r/wQuality of resulting image. (default: 30)
saveAsHTMLbool r/wShould the resulting image be saved as HTML. (default: false)
verticalScalenumber (range: 0.0 - 776.19) r/wVertical scaling factor. (default: 100)
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