Property | Type | Access | Description |
Tsume | number |
r/w | The percentage of space reduction around a Japanese character (100 = 100%) |
akiLeft | number |
r/w | The em amount of left aki. |
akiRight | number |
r/w | The em amount of right aki amount. |
alignment | StyleRunAlignmentType: StyleRunAlignmentType.bottom StyleRunAlignmentType.icfBottom StyleRunAlignmentType.ROMANBASELINE StyleRunAlignmentType.icfTop |
r/w | The character alignment type. |
alternateGlyphs | AlternateGlyphsForm: AlternateGlyphsForm.DEFAULTFORM AlternateGlyphsForm.TRADITIONAL AlternateGlyphsForm.EXPERT AlternateGlyphsForm.JIS78FORM AlternateGlyphsForm.JIS83FORM AlternateGlyphsForm.HALFWIDTH AlternateGlyphsForm.THIRDWIDTH AlternateGlyphsForm.QUARTERWIDTH AlternateGlyphsForm.FULLWIDTH AlternateGlyphsForm.PROPORTIONALWIDTH AlternateGlyphsForm.JIS90FORM AlternateGlyphsForm.JIS04FORM |
r/w | The alternate glyphs form. |
autoLeading | bool |
r/w | Whether to use automatic leading. |
baselineDirection | BaselineDirectionType: BaselineDirectionType.Standard BaselineDirectionType.VerticalRotated BaselineDirectionType.TateChuYoko |
r/w | The Japanese text baseline direction. |
baselinePosition | FontBaselineOption: FontBaselineOption.NORMALBASELINE FontBaselineOption.SUPERSCRIPT FontBaselineOption.SUBSCRIPT |
r/w | The baseline position of text. |
baselineShift | number |
r/w | The amount of shift (in points) of the text baseline. |
capitalization | FontCapsOption: FontCapsOption.NORMALCAPS FontCapsOption.SMALLCAPS FontCapsOption.ALLCAPS FontCapsOption.ALLSMALLCAPS |
r/w | The case of text. |
connectionForms | bool |
r/w | Whether the OpenType connection forms should be used. |
contextualLigature | bool |
r/w | Whether the contextual ligature should be used. |
discretionaryLigature | bool |
r/w | Whether the discretionary ligature should be used. |
figureStyle | FigureStyleType: FigureStyleType.DEFAULTFIGURESTYLE FigureStyleType.TABULAR FigureStyleType.PROPORTIONALOLDSTYLE FigureStyleType.PROPORTIONAL FigureStyleType.TABULAROLDSTYLE |
r/w | Which figure style to use in OpenType font. |
fillColor | Color |
r/w | The color of the text fill. |
fractions | bool |
r/w | Whether the OpenType fractions should be used. |
horizontalScale | number |
r/w | Character horizontal scaling factor expressed as a percentage (100 = 100%) |
italics | bool |
r/w | Does the Japanese OpenType support italics? |
kerningMethod | AutoKernType: AutoKernType.NOAUTOKERN AutoKernType.AUTO AutoKernType.OPTICAL AutoKernType.METRICSROMANONLY |
r/w | The automatic kerning method to use. |
language | LanguageType: LanguageType.ENGLISH LanguageType.FINNISH LanguageType.STANDARDFRENCH LanguageType.CANADIANFRENCH LanguageType.STANDARDGERMAN LanguageType.OLDGERMAN LanguageType.SWISSGERMAN LanguageType.ITALIAN LanguageType.BOKMALNORWEGIAN LanguageType.NYNORSKNORWEGIAN LanguageType.STANDARDPORTUGUESE LanguageType.BRAZILLIANPORTUGUESE LanguageType.SPANISH LanguageType.SWEDISH LanguageType.UKENGLISH LanguageType.DUTCH LanguageType.DANISH LanguageType.CATALAN LanguageType.RUSSIAN LanguageType.UKRANIAN LanguageType.BULGARIAN LanguageType.SERBIAN LanguageType.CZECH LanguageType.POLISH LanguageType.RUMANIAN LanguageType.GREEK LanguageType.TURKISH LanguageType.ICELANDIC LanguageType.HUNGARIAN LanguageType.CHINESE LanguageType.JAPANESE LanguageType.GERMAN2006REFORM LanguageType.DUTCH2005REFORM LanguageType.SWISSGERMAN2006REFORM |
r/w | The language of text. |
leading | number |
r/w | The amount of space between two lines of text (in points) |
ligature | bool |
r/w | Whether the ligature should be used. |
noBreak | bool |
r/w | Whether line breaks are allowed. |
openTypePosition | FontOpenTypePositionOption: FontOpenTypePositionOption.OPENTYPEDEFAULT FontOpenTypePositionOption.OPENTYPESUPERSCRIPT FontOpenTypePositionOption.OPENTYPESUBSCRIPT FontOpenTypePositionOption.NUMERATOR FontOpenTypePositionOption.DENOMINATOR |
r/w | The OpenType baseline position. |
ordinals | bool |
r/w | Whether the OpenType ordinals should be used. |
ornaments | bool |
r/w | Whether the OpenType ornaments should be used. |
overprintFill | bool |
r/w | Whether to overprint the fill of the text. |
overprintStroke | bool |
r/w | Whether to overprint the stroke of the text. |
parent | Object |
readonly | The object's container. |
proportionalMetrics | bool |
r/w | Does the Japanese OpenType support proportional font? |
rotation | number |
r/w | The character rotation angle (in degrees) |
size | number |
r/w | Font size in points. |
strikeThrough | bool |
r/w | Whether to draw a strike through line over the text. |
strokeColor | Color |
r/w | The color of the text stroke. |
strokeWeight | number |
r/w | Line width of stroke. |
stylisticAlternates | bool |
r/w | Whether the OpenType stylistic alternates should be used. |
swash | bool |
r/w | Whether the OpenType swash should be used. |
tateChuYokoHorizontal | Int32 |
r/w | The Tate-Chu-Yoko horizontal adjustment in points. |
tateChuYokoVertical | Int32 |
r/w | The Tate-Chu-Yoko vertical adjustment in points. |
textFont | TextFont |
r/w | The text font. |
titling | bool |
r/w | Whether the OpenType titling alternates should be used. |
tracking | Int32 |
r/w | The tracking or range kerning amount in thousands of an em. |
typename | string |
readonly | The class name of the object. |
underline | bool |
r/w | Whether to underline the text. |
verticalScale | number |
r/w | Character vertical scaling factor expressed as a percentage (100 = 100%) |
wariChuCharactersAfterBreak | Int32 |
r/w | |
wariChuCharactersBeforeBreak | Int32 |
r/w | |
wariChuEnabled | bool |
r/w | Whether WariChu is enabled. |
wariChuJustification | WariChuJustificationType: WariChuJustificationType.Left WariChuJustificationType.Right WariChuJustificationType.Center WariChuJustificationType.WARICHUFULLJUSTIFYLASTLINELEFT WariChuJustificationType.WARICHUFULLJUSTIFYLASTLINERIGHT WariChuJustificationType.WARICHUFULLJUSTIFYLASTLINECENTER WariChuJustificationType.WARICHUFULLJUSTIFY WariChuJustificationType.WARICHUAUTOJUSTIFY |
r/w | |
wariChuLineGap | Int32 |
r/w | The Wari-Chu line gap. |
wariChuLines | Int32 |
r/w | The number of Wari-Chu (multiple text lines fit into a space meant for one) lines. |
wariChuScale | number |
r/w | The Wari-Chu scale. |